© 2023 Era Guardian. All rights reserved. Murat Sanlisavas. Powered by CSPR.Cloud

Era Guardian

Telegram Services

Welcome to Era Guardian Telegram Bot!

Username: @EraGuardianBot
/start - See all the commands
/claim public-key performance-threshold network - Receive DMs based on a performance threshold that is equal to or below the specified value.
Example: /claim 011143...98 99 mainnet
/unclaim public-key network - Stop receiving DMs for the specified public key.
Example: /unclaim 011143...98 mainnet
/pause public-key time network - Pause DMs for a specific time period. Valid time formats include hours (h), days (d), weeks (w), months (m), and years (y).
Example: /pause 011143...98 1d mainnet- This command will pause notifications for the given key for 1 day.
/unpause public-key network - Resume receiving DMs for the specified public key.
Example: /unpause 011143...98 testnet

Support Era Guardian by staking to Era Guardian Validator or buying me a coffee.

Email: muratsanlisavas@gmail.com
Telegram: msanlisavas
GitHub: msanlisavas